A Foundation for all of Colorado
We’re headquartered in Colorado Springs, but make grants all over the state – investing in organizations, people, and partnerships that help people live better lives. Since Spencer and Julie Penrose established El Pomar in 1937, we’ve made over 25,000 grants totaling more than $600 million for the benefit of the people of Colorado. And counting…
of philanthropy
empowered through grants
in grants, programs and assets for the people of Colorado
So what DO we fund?
We have a broad, general grant making scope with greatest emphasis on arts & culture, civic/community initiatives, education, health, and human services – which started with our founders. Our Trustees look to support organizations and initiatives that demonstrate (among other considerations) not only that they’re making a positive and significant difference in peoples’ lives and/or solving issues important to their communities, but also that they have solid plans to activate the mission, program, or project for which they’re seeking funding; financial sustainability; and strong community support and organizational leadership. Â
Our competitive process is the way most El Pomar grants are made, but we also have a number of individual funds with specific focus or geographic areas.Â
What DON'T we fund?
The Foundation does NOT accept applications for grant support to:
- Individuals
- Primary or secondary schools (K-12) – El Pomar will consider, on a limited basis, capital requests from non-publicly funded secondary schools
- Other foundations or nonprofits that distribute money to recipients of its own selection
- Camps, camp programs, or other seasonal activities
- Religious organizations for support of religious programs
- Scientific research projects or studies
- Endowments
- Organizations that practice discrimination of any kind
- Organizations that do not have fiscal responsibility for the proposed project
- Organizations that do not have an active 501(c)(3) nonprofit IRS determination letter or a fiscal agent with active 501(c)(3) status
- Private foundations or 509(a)(3) organizations that are not functionally integrated according to the IRS
- Cover deficits or debt elimination
- Cover travel, conferences, conventions, group meetings, or seminars
- Influence legislation or support candidates for political office
- Produce videos or other media projects
Reaching all of Colorado
Because the state is made up of a variety of unique communities, El Pomar created its Regional Partnerships program in 2003 to address local needs in each of the 11 regions. Convening local individuals into councils for each region allows us to employ community-informed grant making that best meets regional needs.
El Pomar’s Grant Making
Enjoy this short video for more of the story.Â
What do I need to know?
Your organization is eligible to apply for a grant from El Pomar Foundation if it matches a few basic criteria. Be sure to review our full details about eligibility and grant guidelines.
- We are a general purpose foundation, which means we do not have a specific funding focus. That said, we do primarily grant in our founders’ interest areas of arts & culture, civic & community initiatives, education, health, and human services.
- Your organization’s activities must take place in Colorado, or at least the specific programming for which you are requesting funding.Â
- We make grants for general operating, program, and capital support.
- Grant applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, by our Trustees, at quarterly (approximately) Board of Trustees meetings. Applications are assigned to the next possible meeting, based on timing of receipt (submission at least 8-10 weeks prior to meeting is optimal).
- Applications are only accepted online through our grant application portal. Please do not mail hard copy applications.
- If funded through the competitive process, applicants must wait three years (36 months) to be considered again. If declined, applicants must wait one year (12 months) to be considered again.
We accept applications on a rolling basis, and our Trustees review them 4-6 times a year during Trustee meetings. There are no deadlines for applications, so we encourage you to apply at least 8-10 weeks prior to the Trustee meeting that best fits your grant request timing (meeting dates at right).
When I'm ready, how do I go about applying for a grant?
Most grant funding at El Pomar Foundation is distributed through the competitive process. Through that process, the Trustees provide grants to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and government entities that serve Colorado across a broad spectrum of focus areas, including: arts & culture, civic & community, education, health, and human services. These grants are for general operating support, programs and capital projects.
Grant applications are reviewed by the Trustees, who typically meet four-six times a year, and applications are accepted on a rolling basis. El Pomar does not have grant deadlines.
In addition to making grants through the competitive process, El Pomar oversees several individual funds, including:
- Anna Keesling Ackerman Fund
- Freda Hambrick Fund
- Sally Beck Fund
- Wildland Fire Fund
El Pomar's Grant toolkit provides a comprehensive guide to organizations seeking grants, including details on eligibility criteria, application processes, and reporting requirements.