Foundation Stories
- Blog Posts, Regional Partnerships
Norm Steen, Former County Commissioner, Teller County Pikes Peak Regional Council member since 2014 Norm Steen joined the Pikes Peak Regional Council in March of 2014.…
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- Historical Properties
Penrose Heritage Museum, one of El Pomar Foundation’s three historic properties, gives visitors the opportunity to learn about the life and times of Spencer and Julie Penrose…
- Internship
If there is one thing this world needs, it’s more chairs. Metaphorically, of course. I’m not referring to the kind of black leather rolling chairs that…
- Regional Partnerships
Expanding Focus from Youth Mental Health to Youth Development, Southwest Regional Council Staff Reflect on the Process Over the past six years, the Southwest Regional Council…
- Regional Partnerships
Over the past few years, the San Juan Regional Council has focused its grant making efforts on youth mental health. While focusing on this issue, council…
- History
We have long been inspired by and have honored the legacy of Julie Penrose as El Pomar Foundation’s visionary and benevolent co-founder. Now, we are in…
- Regional Partnerships
Halfway Through a Five-Year Commitment to Middle School Youth, High Country Regional Council Staff Reflect on the Value of Multi-Year Grant Making Over the last several…
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