Foundation Stories
- Blog Posts, Regional Partnerships
Norm Steen, Former County Commissioner, Teller County Pikes Peak Regional Council member since 2014 Norm Steen joined the Pikes Peak Regional Council in March of 2014.…
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- Fellowship
Graduating during a pandemic felt like walking off a bridge into murky water: unclear, abrupt and a bit cold. There wasn’t a big graduation to celebrate…
- Regional Partnerships
Each year, El Pomar Foundation’s Regional Partnerships program convenes its regional council members and other philanthropic leaders at its Statewide meeting to network, learn about and…
- Heritage Series
On November 1, Colorado College, Colorado Springs Downtown Partnerships, The Nature Conservancy of Colorado and El Pomar Foundation’s Pikes Peak Heritage Series brought world-renowned photographer James…
- ELD, Internship
Over the course of my life, I have been involved with various nonprofit organizations within my Pueblo community. My first involvement with non-profits dates back to…
- Fellowship
Navigating Community Engagement In your experience thus far, what have you learned about effectively engaging with and supporting a community that you do not specifically belong…
This blog marks the first of a series spotlighting the advisory council members of El Pomar’s Elevating Leadership Development (ELD) program. ELD advisory councils convene ethnic community leaders…
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