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Redefining Home

By Courtney Rael

“Where are you from?” is a question I continually find myself struggling to answer. I was born in Dothan, Alabama, half an hour away from where my dad was stationed at Fort Rucker (now Fort Novosel). Growing up as an “army brat,” my geography changed every few years when my dad was given orders for a permanent change of station (PCS). I recall going to Pre-K in North Carolina and experiencing my first snow (which was maybe an inch). I relish the memories of my elementary school back in Alabama and playing outside on our yellow rope swing despite the intense heat and mugginess. I was fond of the places I lived in but tried to remain ready for the next move.

Eventually, my dad was given orders for a PCS to Fort Carson, in Southern Colorado Springs when I was ten years old. This would be our furthest move, and the place where I would spend the most time growing up.

After moving, I started over again in a new neighborhood, at a new school, and trying to make new friends. Our close family friends were already stationed in Colorado, and their house became a place I often wanted to visit as it was full of warmth and joy. We played together outside on our bikes while our parents discussed school districts and safe neighborhoods. At the time, I felt fortunate to have friends to play with and friendly faces to recognize in the hallways when school started in the fall. Upon further reflection, I realize that my home was not defined by where I was physically, but the people who surrounded me and supported me. Each duty station where we lived presented new challenges, but also gave us new communities to be a part of.

In Fountain, Colorado, I had a wonderful support system of teachers, mentors, and neighbors who all wanted to see me succeed and be happy. I attribute so much of who I am today to these people who poured so much love and guidance into me. This has now become my commitment to Colorado: to support the people in this state who have been generous, welcoming, and compassionate. I am looking forward to the opportunity that the Fellowship has presented to me to serve the community I have grown to love and call home as well as learn about other communities and how they support one another across the state.

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